How to walk in the light!

The Holy Bible is a book of light. Jesus is the light of the world. We are to be lights in the Lord, so that we will shine in the world. there are seven books in the Bible that are written to us as followers of Jesus to tell us how to shine for Jesus; they are:

  • James

  • 1 and 2 Peter

  • 1, 2, and 3 John

  • Jude

The book of James was written to show how our faith causes action (works) and how we can have victory in trials and temptations. James tells us how we should consider ourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come our way. Why? [See James 1:2-4.]



What can we do if we ever need wisdom in any situation? [See James 1:5.]


Read James 1:12-15. When is a person tempted? [Verse 14.]




What is the final result? [Verse 15.]


The Holy Bible, in James 1:26, says a man's religion is worthless if he does not:


How can you make the devil flee from you? [See James 4:7.]




Study James5:14-15. What should you do when you are sick? [Verse 14.]




What will be the result? [Verse 15.]





The book of 1 Peter explains to us the purpose of trials and the reason for living holy. Read 1 Peter 1:6-7. What is the purpose of trials?


Why must we live holy? [1 Peter 1:15-16.]


What was Noah's flood a figure (picture) of? [Look at 1 Peter 3:18-22.]


Water baptism is only for those who are saved; those who have of their own will received the Lord Jesus and been born again. Have you been baptized in water since you believed?   Yes [   ]   No [   ] Check one of the boxes to answer.


Why should we be happy if we are insulted for following Christ? [Read 1 Peter 4:12-16.]




What should you do with your worries? [1 Peter 5:7.] Also, explain “Why?”




The book of 2 Peter tells us how that false teachers will appear in the last days and how this world will end. In 2 Peter 1:3-9 we read of eight qualities we need in order to be active and effective for the Lord. Why does Peter tell us to try harder in verse 10?


Chapter 2 warns us that false teachers shall appear among us - it tells us how they will act and what they will say. Who will they deny? [Verse 1.]




God tells us in Chapter 3:1-8 that in the last days there will be people whose lives are to be controlled by their own passions. What will they say and do to you? [Verse 3.]



Why is God patient with the world? [See verse 9.]



Verse 10 tells us that the Day of the Lord will come as a:   _________________.

What will happen on that day?





The books of 1, 2, and 3 John show us not only how to live in the light, but how to love. Study 1 John 1:5-10. God is light and there is no darkness at all in him. If we live in the light, what two things result? [See verse 7.]



If we say that we have no sin, what do we do to ourselves? [1 John 1:8.]




What will happen if we confess our sins? [See verse 9.]



How can we check to see if the love of the Father is in us? [1 John 2:15-16.]




Why doesn't the world know us now that we are in Christ? [1 John 3:1.]



What happens if our heart condemns us? [1 John 3:19-20.]



Study 1 John 4:4-6. In your own words describe how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.



What should you do if anyone comes to you who does not bring the teaching of the Holy Bible? [2 John, verses 10, 11.]



The book of Jude tells us how to fight on for the complete faith which God gives us. How does Jude say to keep building yourself up, in your most sacred faith? [Verses 20, 21.]



You have five more lessons, and you will have completed the whole New Testament. The rest of the lessons are especially important: you will begin to know what's happening today ... and the news in advance!

Your next study [Lesson 7] will be:
How to Learn God's Program.

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