How to follow Messiah (Christ)!
Have you ever tried to be like someone else? Maybe you've tried to talk like them, or to act like them, or maybe you have just dressed like them. Really, you could never be like them, could you? Why? Because you are yourself, that's right - you're YOU!
You know, when you decided to follow Christ, you died. Not only did you die, but you became a new person - IN CHRIST! The Holy Bible says, "When anyone is joined to Christ he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come." [2 Corinthians 5:17.]
Note: The name “Christ” comes from the word “Messiah” which means “anointed” or “Anointed One.” The Messiah is the Promised One, the deliverer promised by the God of Israel for the salvation of all people, and the King who will deliver the Jewish People in the last days and set up His Kingdom in Israel, ruling from Jerusalem.
Since you are a new person and want to follow Jesus the Messiah, you will want to find how God wants you to live. God used the preacher Paul (Rabbi Shaul) to write some letters to three men named Timothy, Titus, and Philemon to tell them how God wanted them to live.
These letters are included in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. (A testament is a "will, a covenant, a contract, or a promise.) Also, a letter to the Hebrews (no one knows who the Holy Spirit used to write to the Hebrews). When you read these books (letters), you will learn more about how God wants you to live, so that you can follow Christ.
Note: In Hebrew the New Testament is called "Brit Chadashah."
Paul wrote two letters to a young man he had led to Christ named Timothy. The first letter tells how to live in order to have a clear conscience before God and man. Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down upon him because he was young. In what ways did Paul tell him to be an example? [See 1 Timothy 4:12.]
Verse 14 of Chapter Four shows that Timothy had a spiritual gift. How was it imparted (or, given) to him?
Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10. The Holy Bible shows us the danger of wanting riches. Now read verse 11. What should you strive for?
In the second book (or, letter) to Timothy, the Holy Spirit used Paul to show us the importance of training and teaching. That is, how we should train to serve God, and then teach others what we have learned. We should "stir up," or keep alive the gifts we receive from God and the things we learn, and then we should teach others to do the same. [See 2 Timothy 1:6.]
In 2 Timothy 1:7, the Holy Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit which God gives us does not make us timid - we do NOT have a spirit of fear; but God's Spirit fills us with three (3) things. What are they?
Therefore, we should not be ashamed to witness for our Lord! [See verse 8.]
The Holy Bible tells us to take part in suffering for the Good News as a loyal soldier of Christ Jesus. [2 Ti 2:3-7.] Not only does God tell us to be like a soldier, but also like an athlete and a farmer. In your own words, tell how we should be like:
A Soldier _______________________________________________________
A Farmer _______________________________________________________
An Athlete ______________________________________________________
God also tells us how to be used for SPECIAL purposes. Read carefully 2 Timothy 2:20-21. What can we do if we want to be used for special purposes? [See verse 21 and 22.]
The Holy Spirit used Paul to write a young man named Titus to remind him that God wants us to live a "pure" life. He taught Titus how we should treat others, and how we should act toward those who are in charge of us.
Read Titus 1:15-16. Why is nothing pure to some people?
Chapter Two of Titus tells us how older men and women, younger people, and workers should live and treat each other [verses 1-10]. Why should we use sound words that cannot be criticized when we talk to others? [See verse 8.]
Read Titus 3:1-2. How should we act toward rulers and authorities?
The book of Philemon is short but very important. Paul had led a young man to Christ named Onesimus, who was a run-away slave. Paul had urged him to return to his master, Philemon. This letter was written to Philemon, asking him to take Onesimus back and to forgive him.
Where was Paul when he became Onesimus' "spiritual father" (that is, when he led him to Christ)? See verse 10.
The book of Hebrews is a tremendous book! It explains to us how the animals the children of Israel used to kill for a blood sacrifice for sins were really pictures (types) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every time the priest would kill a lamb and pour its blood upon the altar, it was just a picture of how Jesus would come to earth as the LAMB of God to shed his blood on the cross for our sins!
After Jesus shed his blood on the cross for our sins, the priests of Israel did not need to pour out the blood of animals any longer. The blood which Jesus shed on the cross was the one FINAL complete payment for sin which pleased God!
Read Hebrews 9:14. What will the shed blood of Messiah (Christ) do for our consciences?
How long is Yeshua (Jesus) able to save those who come to God through him? [Hebrews 7:25.] Note: “Yeshua” is the original Hebrew name for “Jesus.”
Is there another chance for salvation after this life on earth? [Hebrews 9:27.]
Yes [ ] ? . . . or . . . No [ ] ?
[Place “X” in the right answer]
Now that you are a NEW person, you will want to have God's POWER in your life. You will learn how in the next lesson. Your next study (Lesson 4) will be: How to Receive the Power of God!
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